The Padi Open Water Diver Course
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The Padi Open Water course is the first step in becoming a qualified certified diver. It is also the beginning of experiencing the magical underwater world with all it’s amazing creatures and sights.
A Break Down Of The Padi Open Water Diver Course
The Padi Open Water course has three sections:
The first is the dive theory section. This consists of home study plus 5 knowledge reviews. Students are required to undergo home study and are required to complete 5 knowledge reviews. As well as the knowledge reviews, students are also required to watch the Padi DVD. Having completed the home study and knowledge reviews, students will go through the knowledge reviews at the Dive Centre with their Instructor. This is also a time that students can ask any questions they may have. The final part of the ‘Theory’ section consists of four quick quizzes and then a final exam, all of which are multiple choice.
The second part of the the Padi Open Water course consists of 5 ‘confined water’ fun dives. These ‘confined water’ dives take place in a swimming pool and are designed to teach students all the skills required to become a certified ‘Open Water Diver’. In these dives, students will learn how to assemble their own diving kit and also learn how to check it and also how to perform a ‘Buddy Check’. A ‘Buddy Check’ is simply a check that all divers undertake before they enter the water. Once student are familiar with assembling their own equipment and can successfully perform a ‘Buddy Check’, they will enter the water and begin to learn basic skills such as clearing their regulator and mask and also how to swim under water.
Students will also be required to swim 200 metres and tread water for 10 minutes.
The Third Part of the Padi Open Water Course, is in open water. Students are required to complete 4 open water dives and demonstrate all the skills they learnt on their ‘confined water’ dives. These skills will be demonstrated in front of the Instructor and students will be assessed on their demonstrations.
The first open water dive is a very relaxed and easy dive, to allow students to become comfortable and familiar with the open water enviroment. Then, once students have become more familiar with their new surroundings, they will begin to incorporate more of the skills into the dive.
As a certified Open Water Diver, you are allowed to dive to a maximum depth of 18 metres. Depending on how comfortable the student feels, on either their third or fourth dive, they will be taken to a depth of 18 metres to experience how it feels to be at this depth. (please note that for junior divers, the maximum depth is 12 metres).
Completion Of The Padi Open Water Course
Upon completion of the Open Water course, students will be presented with their Open Water certification and will then be a registered PADI Diver. This will also mean that they are eligible to commence training for the Advanced Open Water Course.
However, we always recommend to students who have just passed their Open Water course to gain a little more experience by going on an adventure dive. This allows the new divers to have fun and really begin to enjoy their diving. This additional dive also goes towards the dives required for the Advanced Open Water course.
Please see the Advanced Open water course page for more information.
If you would like more information about the course and what it entails, you can visit the main PADI website PADI Open Water course or if you would simply just like to talk to us about the Padi Open Water course, please do not hesitate to contact us.