PADI Rescue Diver Course
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Pre-requisite: PADI Advanced Open Water qualification or equivalent from any recognised diving organisation.
The Rescue Diver course is the next step on the PADI diving programme and it is a very important and useful course for any diver to enrol on.
As you progress on the PADI diving programme, you will not only improve your diving but you will also become more aware of other people you are diving with. Not only will you be able to look after your own safety in the water but you will now be in a position to help others.
From the very first day you started diving, you will have been taught about safety and how it is paramount for you and your buddy. You will have been taught how to plan a dive, how to assemble your equipment and how to successfully perform a buddy check.
The Objective Of The PADI Rescue Diver Course
The Rescue Diver course is aimed at taking your diving skills one step further. The whole course is designed to teach you how to cope and deal with different scenarios in the very unlikely event that something did happen to your buddy or a member of your group.
One of the most important parts of this course is to teach divers how to recognise problems and read the signs. Divers are taught how to prevent these smaller problems occurring and then escalating into larger more serious ones .
As well as the core module of the course, you will also be taught the EFR (Emergency First Response) course
The Rescue Diver Course Schedule.
Day 1: EFR (Emergency First Response). As well as learning EFR, students will also run through and refresh on basic dive theory. This is good practice as it might have been a while since the students passed their Open Water course and will also be very useful for the Rescue Diver course.
Day 2: Students are required to watch a video and go through the knowledge reviews. After completing the video and knowledge reviews, students will then be taught underwater and surface skills. The rest of the day is spent in the water practicing these new skills.
Day 3: Students will be taught more theory and then will spend time in the water running through the water skills to prepare them for the final exam.
Day 4: Students will be required to undertake 2 scenario in the water. These scenarios will involve performing the new skills they have learnt on the course in a controlled manner and as a result, executing a successful rescue.
After successfully completing the 2 scenarios, students will be required to sit the final exam.
Although the Rescue Diver course is a very serious course, most students say it is one of the most enjoyable and beneficial courses in the programme.
If you would like to read a more in depth overview of the Rescue Diver course, you can find more details on the PADI website: Rescue Diver Course
If you would like to discuss the course with myself or a member of staff, please do not hesitate to contact the diving centre to discuss the PADI Rescue Diver course.